About Our School

About Us

Our Vision

To be Globally recognised as a premier centre in Nigeria for the teaching of science technology and entrepreneurship development

Our Mission
To Create a Passion for Excellence in Teaching,Learning and Entrepreneurship training

History of the College

Federal Science and Technical College Doma was established on 28th September 2008.The first set of students that started the college began academic activities on 14th November 2009. The present location of the college was the former Government Secondary School (GSS), Onugah. This College is about 15km from Lafia the State capital and about 20 minutes’ drive.

Students from all parts of the country can travel to Doma by rail, road or air. The nearest rail line is at Lafia while the nearest airport is at Makurdi, then you can proceed to Doma by road.

Like any other Federal Government College in the country, this College adopts the Federal Character Admission Policy. This policy is adopted to foster National Unity. Candidates seeking admission into this College are expected to sit for the National Common Entrance Examination conducted by the National Examination Council (NECO).Successful candidates are finally selected based on criterion as may be determined from time to time by the Federal Ministry of Education, Abuja. The College is a full boarding and co- educational school.

The college offers a comprehensive and all-embracing curriculum for academic excellence and total development of its students into responsible gentlemen and ladies. It promotes the THREE domains – Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor.  

The College has two sections, namely the Junior Secondary School and the Senior Secondary. The Senior Secondary School is sub divided into the Science and Technical Sections. Some of the Technical trades in the College include: Electrical Installation Maintenance (EIM), Catering Craft Practice (CCP), Computer Craft Studies (CCS), Brick/ Block laying and Concreting among others.

Like all other Federal Government Colleges, the FSTC Doma operates a number of clubs and societies. This forms part of the co-curricular activities and students are expected to participate in at least any two clubs to aid the development of their potentials. These clubs are grouped into categories as: Subject based clubs, Service clubs, Religious club and Vocational club. Registration of any club must be approved by the Principal who can also proscribe any club found wanting. Students are expected to join the subject based club and not more than one other club for effective participation. There are a lot of benefits for students in these clubs and societies. e.g. JETS club, anti HIV/AIDS club Environmental club, Press club, Young farmers club, Music & Cultural club. Through them students are exposed to the realities of life, widen their outlook, imbibe discipline, as well as get exposed to leadership and followership qualities.

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